Thursday, March 2, 2006

The lonely crusader....

We are all alone in this journey called life, seeking answers to our very own questions. At times the questions themselves change. However, the answers are never the same at any point of time. Every person's experiences are unique and each face has a story to tell worthy of respect. No matter what the connectivity is between two souls, it is indeed difficult to share happiness and pain of a person. No one can truly share both of them. A harsh statement but perfectly true in almost every sense.

Important people at times cause hurt in our lives because of this very expectation from them - that they can and should share our happiness and pain. Deep down, that expectation is there. It is best not to expect anything from anyone; no matter how special or important they might be in our lives. I suppose this approach would work out the healthiest in all relationships - be it between mother and son, father and daughter, sister and brother, friend and a friend, soulmates(?), husband and wife, and what not.

Solitude becomes the most cherished, and yet painful possession for all of us. Yes, we are all alone! Our experiences are limited and what the important people in our lives can do for us is also limited. The same holds for what we can do for them. However, the joy of living is a blessing, and it is our foremost and the most important reason for existence. This is not being selfish. If we are happy, people in our lives are also happy. As Paulo says in his book, "By the River Piedra, I sat down and wept",

"Joy is sometimes a blessing, but it is often a conquest. Our magic moment helps us to change and send us off in search of our dreams. Yes, we are going to suffer, we will have difficult times, and we will experience many disappointments - but all of this is transitory; it leaves no permanent remark. And one day we will look back with pride and faith at the journey we have taken."


Alapana said...

"Yeah,We are all Alone'

srijithunni said...


Nice Blog..
But I think, the joy of living is in these expectations. It is true that they could lead to sorrow. But to expect that there is some one out there for you, gives a lot of courage and happiness.

There is a lot of melancholy in your words..

Chill buddy. Live life to the fullest.


Calvin said...

i can understand what you are saying.. you think that those closest to you are the ones you can use as an outlet for your frustrations etc, but sometimes i guess enough is enough for them also!

NB: thank you for linking my Blues blog in your sidebar,but i've moved it to a different address now.. thanks!

Rangakrishnan Srinivasan said...

Alapana, Srijith, s!: Thanks for your comments.

Maharaj said...

hmmm...not having expectations. well said my friend. life is so much fuller that way cos of the surprises that it can throw up...nothing better than a pleasant surprise than a expected good thing.