Tuesday, June 6, 2006


Those close and not-so-close encounters with people, of all kinds, family, closest friends, friends, acquaintances, passers-by, etc. often highlights one viewpoint. Each one is unique and everyone has that innate sensibility towards something that is very very close to one's own heart. Passions tend to rule our life, and each person astonishes me with what he/she is passionate about.

At times, though, it does become difficult to accept the depth and buried treasures that can be found in a so-called passion of a person. That cruel discriminatory and condescending attitude does seep in at times. This viewpoint only proves the cliched "ignorance is not bliss". I am sure the same must be for the others when it comes to seeing the credibility in my passions.

A not-so-comprehensive list of passions that immediately come to my mind (with no due disrespect to other forms and manifestations):

  • Rock-climbing: My previous house-owner just returned from a 3 week trip to Alaska, which essentially involved mountaineering and climbing to a 20,000 ft. altitude.
  • Flying planes: The same person as above has his own private two-seater plane and enjoys flying. Heavily Bachesque in nature.
  • Wandering aimlessly in cities: One of my friends believes that one of the most enjoyable, unforgettable and life-changing experiences would be wandering aimlessly in cities.
  • Head-banging and rock: One of my closest friends comes up with an essay about his experiences in a recent rock concert that included GnR and Metallica.
  • Football/Cricket: I have known people swear by the same name with their Gods being Pele, Ronaldo, Maradona, Sobers, Tendulkar and Gavaskar.
  • Crosswords: A day begins with this engaging, intellectual and pleasurable activity.
  • Conversations: Connections and sensible conversations with people who can understand, empathise and appreciate.
  • Books: Some people love to live in the idyllic world of books. Even here, there is that huge divide between people who love reading for fun and others who love serious reading. Compare Wodehouse with Kafka or Nietschze.
  • Music: For some, music veritably happens to be an expression of their life itself. With the myriad of music forms around, one happens to be naturally selective. Spending an entire day with their instrument (incl. their own voice) in a heavily claustrophobic room, all alone, would be their best times of their lives.
  • Spirtuality: Some love to talk about the soul, mind, heart and the body. Advanced levitating souls might even talk about consciousness, divine, sublime spirit, energy, and so on.
  • Travelling: Similar to the one about wandering aimlessly in cities. Most travel ventures, however, happen to be planned. Certain places are not to be missed and a solo photo with the landmark a must.
  • Studies: This could be wrongly termed geeky or nerdy. Nothing brings as much pleasure to these folks than solving some interesting theorem or tinkering around with radio hand-sets or coding.
  • Photography: Still-life, at times voyeuristic, at times narcissistic, capturing the emotions and moods of unknown people, and having a prolonged affair with light.
  • Painting: People swear by Monet, Seurat, Manet, Renoir, Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Picasso, Chagall. Pencil sketching, drawing caricatures of teachers while sitting at the back in the classes, taking up graduate studies in liberal arts, visiting art museums, etc.
  • Music Appreciation: Listening to a variety of stuff for their aesthetic appeal. Technical music appreciation could be a problem. But, then, it doesn't seem to bother these people. Interestingly, the same musician evokes two different kinds of appreciation in two people.
  • Writing: Writing for their own pleasure. Some dream of writing books for the public at a later stage in life. Some write these so-called "blogs" even when they have a pile of things at hand.
  • Politics: People love to discuss politics for hours without sleep, food, and coffee. What should India's foreign policy be, what is happening in a vague remote Baluchistan province, socialism vs. capitalism, etc. etc.
  • Sports: People love to watch a cricket match or a racing venture without sleep, food and coffee. Some play a sport and some watch a sport.
  • Movies: The movie buffs who find it irresistable to not watch a boring movie too. Any movie, be it a box-office hit or a fizzle, demands their attention, appreciation and comment.
  • Star-gazing: A relatively interesting and less kn0wn activity.
  • Poetry: Staggered lines make the world for these set of people. While some might restrain to reading romantic poetry by the lines of Shelly, Keats, Wordsworth, others try their own hand at poetry.
  • Gaming: Totally and completely devoted to this pastime.
  • Jogging: Miles means the world to them. Their happiness might have nothing to do with Miles Davis though.
  • Cars: They shamelessly letch and drool over cars. Frequently known to be waiting for the day when they would own a BMW convertible or a Benz or a Ferrari.
  • Money: For some, money is everything.
  • Service: Service to the less fortunate is a deliverance and "the calling" for these people.
  • Teaching: A kind of service, and the low pay-scale is not a problem.
  • Nature: Moving rivers, Passing clouds, Mountains, Seas, Lakes, Beaches, Trails, Open fields, etc.

The author has merely quoted the various activities that people around him happen to be passionate about. His views, proficiency and knowledge on even one of them is not the subject of interest out here. Additions are more than welcome.


KT said...

Hey Ranga..coming here after ages.
Loved this post..every single person is passionate about one or many things and that's the time one looks forward to ..and economic sense we all earn(in literal sense too) that opportunity to be with our passion...eg very few people can make a living out of their passions.And they are the happiest lots :)

Rangakrishnan Srinivasan said...

Phippogriff: Welcome back!

Do we sell our souls for the sake of money?