Tuesday, December 27, 2005

2005 : The year that was....

2005 is almost coming to an end. The winters of 2005 will give way to the spring of 2006. The new year is welcomed with hope, the sweetest of all. In hindsight, I am sure it must have been a mixed year for all of us.

Some dreams materialized.
Some dreams became lessons for life.
Some events brought inexplicable joy.
Some events brought tears and pain.

So many friends made.
A few friends lost.
So many people came into our lives.
A few farewells.

Life is like that;
A pair of opposites.
The yin and yang of life.
Both co-exist!

Wishing you all a very happy new year. May 2006 see you doing all those things that you wanted to do.

PS: 2005 saw the transformation from a cynic to a regular blogger in me. Blog-hopping has been a pleasurable activity. I have come across a few blogs that have been heavily inspiring. There are so many talented writers in their own worlds in this world. It merits mention to mention these blogs that I visit on an almost daily basis (in strict alphabetical order).

A special thank you!


Akruti said...

Yes,HOPE,without which we wouldn be able to smile again.
It was wonderful knowing you,It was a beautiful experience adding you to the list of very few of my close friends.Thanks for being there and wishing that Dreams coem true.
A happy new year to you.

Rangakrishnan Srinivasan said...

akruti: thank you. on the flip side, most of the comment is in the past tense.. :)

Akruti said...

Dont go by words,Close your eyes and ask yourself, "You will find the answer"

Rangakrishnan Srinivasan said...

Akruti: :))

Believe me, closing your eyes, and asking all sorts of questions to yourself; and the search towards those answers is not at all easy.

Akruti said...

Well,I neve said we are made for easy things,did i?
If life is all about seeking answers then this is the best way,Might be tough but the day you get the answers nothing else matters,We wpuld be in peace:)

Eroteme said...

Wow! Thank you. Its been a while since I came here and I am glad I was notified by a fellow-blogger! Its flattering to know that the blog sneaked into your list. Hope this year gets to contain some more such posts as the last year presented... Thank you once again. Very touching. Wish you a very happy new year.

Rangakrishnan Srinivasan said...

Eroteme: "Hope this year gets to contain some more such posts as the last year presented..."

Guess, most of your readers would be having that same hope. :)

Wish you a very happy new year too.

Btw, I do not know how to put it.. But then, there is that underlying flavour of honesty, emotiveness and sincerity in most of your blogs. Do keep writing.

Rangakrishnan Srinivasan said...

Ammani: I must say, welcome to my blog. Moreover, I must admit, that your quick tales make one think. It might be cynical; but often conveys the grim reality. That, and the short story competitions, plus, ProjectWhy - are some of the things that you do which adheres more to the philosophy "It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness".

The ability to make others think, and help them better define themselves, is not that easy; and you are doing a good job at it.

Believe me, none of this is flattery.

All the best for everything.