Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Now vs. Later...

This post is dedicated to my cubicle-mate, Saeed, who has judged and gauged me pretty well, especially when it comes to my trysts with last minute efforts. He was of the opinion, "Ranga, just finish it off today(Tuesday), instead of waiting till Thursday morning (for a deadline on Thursday)". All said and done, procrastination happens to be one of the most charming personalities that successfully ends up seducing most of us. The loss of generality prohibits me from calling this person, one of the most, enchanting and gorgeous seductress for women are also prone to procrastinate.

So, there are two obvious paradigms when it comes to atleast trying to get things done. "Finish it off now" vs. "Let me do it later". It is a battle of Energy vs. Lethargy out here. While tremendous pressure with little time left to meet a deadline can be nerve-wracking, at times, it can also be highly productive. And in most cases, when one is totally clueless as to how to proceed in a particular direction, what is one to do? For that I believe, one of the professors at Stanford, recommends, "the best way to start is to start". Then, there is the famous Nike ad of "Just do it".

Well, why is it that procrastination tends to seduce us all(well, I hope I am not entirely unjustified in making this assumption) despite the knowledge of how great life would be if we were to not procrastinate. Can this be safely extended to why evils continue to exist or rather, have been existing for all these years - be it lust, avarice, hatred, etc. despite the knowledge of how great life would be without these. Does this all boil down to the human nature and the numerous neurons within us.


PaintItRed said...

hoho... i should actually not be posting a comment here. Ranga - u r the ultimate stud at delay, delay, postpone and then marathon!

My take on this is - it's perfectly fine to lead a 'procrastinated life', provided we don't miss deadlines, etc and if there isn't too much of last minute stress. Infact, some of us simply enjoy the last minute rush and the challenge of putting a nite out before a deadline.

The nice balance to reach is probably 'procrastinated but proactive life'! - sounds a bit of crap, but essentially ab't keeping things in control...

Also, I would like to thank 'procrastination' for being such a good friend! Almost in every interview that I have given in the last few years, whenever it gets to “identify ur weaknesses” part, invariably I end up describing procrastination, what’s my plan to get over it, etc, etc… such a cool thingie to say in an interview!:-)

Anonymous said...

Good morning, it's 3am in this great roaring
city full of garbage eaters ravaging parking
spots beneath my plaza window I see cheetah in their
tight skins and tired heels all-night hippo in
the diner crossing the street swarthy heards of young
impala flambastic gibbon even a struggling monza
and over there that brilliant head ornament on that
Japanese macaque but look closely at the hammerhead hand
in hand with the mandrill, it's a sight you're
unlikely to see anywhere else on the planet...

the stench and noise, yes, yes, the howler's
resonating repertoire is not too bad when mixed with
the more musical twern of the tropical warbler but the
impatient taxi blare the squawking elderly ibis and
the glass-eye snapper hawking papers I can certainly
live without also be cautious of the poisonous
boomslang laughter social droppings of the fruit bat
and purple queen fish and who's that babbler conversing
with a magazine stand? evidently he's getting a good

arrive in neurotica
through neon heat disease
I swear at the swarming heards
I sweat the foul terrain
I rove the moving scenery
I have no fin
no wing no stinger
no claw no camouflage
I have no more to say...

Say...isn't that an elephant fish on the corner over
there look at that blush baby mud puppy noolbenger
rhinoderma marmoset spring peeper shingleback skink
siren skate starling sun-gazer spoonbill and suckers,
they seem to be everywhere, well it's a live revue
random animal parts now playing nightly right here in neurotica...
so long...

Anonymous said...

well,be that as it may,procrastination is not evil and does not deserve to be treated like one.i have always been an active believer of 'do what you feel like doing'. and that statement stretches both ways. starting something that you dont really feel like doing is a waste of time.pretension is highly unhealthy.
if you dont get it done,you dont.
you face the rap later!

thats my take on it.

Rangakrishnan Srinivasan said...

Pammie: Yeah.. a cool thing for job interviews... but then, I am becoming sick of "her". I have become "her" slave. What to do?

Mr. Lynch: thanks for your comments.

Lakshmi N: unfortunately, the things you dont feel like doing happen to be the #1 of the things to get done. as you sow, so you reap.

PaintItRed said...

Ohh... okay... dunno much, but one thing that worked for me was to have some sorta goals in btwn... otherwise, slightly i am in the same boat!