Sunday, July 31, 2005

Unparliamentary Words....

Paradigm #1

Bad words are so so essential in relationships, esp. between close friends of the same sex. The free unrestricted use of such words develops a sense of bonding and closeness between the friends. They are usually filler words with no harmful and malicious intent whatsoever. This I believe is universal. Each language has a rich repertoire of such "good" words.

Paradigm #2

Bad words are used in the sense that they are meant for. Rude, abusive and unparliamentary and loaded with harmful and malicious intent. This usage is what I loathe. Recently, I came to know about many unfortunate incidents that had actually happened. Minorities (esp. the coloured ones), women (the beautiful and the not-so-beautiful ones), etc. were involved in events where the so-called self-thinking "evolved" souls literally cursed them with such words (that don't merit mention here). Sadly, in some cases, the event also lead to a physical assault. What is the world coming to?


KT said...

Yes, bad words among close friends are IN things,without whcih the converstation soon gets into the stale zone :D,

Priyanka said...

Very true about obnoxious language.....and don't you think the "refined language" that is the one with "tahzeeb and "tameez" has its own charm?

Rangakrishnan Srinivasan said...

phippogriff : hmmmmm....

priyanka: fortunately/unfortunately, most people are immune to the charms of such beautiful words. one should ideally be "refined" in speech, way of thinking and outlook.

please dont mistake this as a vote for the use of "bad" words. the fact is this. ghalis have come to be a way of life. as long as they are not intended in their derogatory sense, they should still be okie.

the wrong notion of superiority at the cost of another soul needs to be whipped then and there.

wookie said...

Paradigm#1 is so true in case of men. Women mostly use foul language only to curse.

Rangakrishnan Srinivasan said...

wookie: Frankly, I do not know about the other side. But, in this era, where women strive to be equal in all respects to men (and in some cases, better than men too), I did give them the benefit of doubt, when I generalized paradigm #1 to both the sexes. :)

I have come across people, read women, mouthing "good" words, cos of the "hep"ness of it all. If they feel good about it, then there is no problem. Why should they be deprived of the sheer sense of "enjoyment" and "thrill" that comes along with the use of such "good" words, just because they happen to be women?

btw, welcome to my blog and thanks for your comments.